When we get confused about where to go, what should be our guidance flag??

Yes, it happens usually in life, nearly to everyone. Sometimes we feel so lost in the despair that even if the opportunity is standing in front of us we fail to see it. There is a difference in need and dream. Need pushes us to accept a place where we don't belong in real terms, but the dream is what we are here for. To achieve your dream (in my terms our true purpose of life), we may need to follow a need graph. Now, what is this need graph?? Need graph is a synonym to the path which helps us to pursue our destiny, our dream. The dream is something which doesn't let you rest even when we have a bit of luxury to rest. Sometimes, while we are busy in coping with our problems, we get confused and hence need to follow guidance flags to reach our final destiny, our dreams, our purpose of life. Life is a bit trickier than we think, so from time to time we need to do self-evaluation. This self-evaluation helps us to find the guidance flags for our journey. Now, the big question is: "What is the guidance flag?". So, the guidance flag is particularly the gut feel or six sense or intuition; in other sense, how do we feel about a particular situation or person or thing. If the feel is a positive one, it means we are in order with our dreams. If it feels like a heaviness on the soul, it is a clear cut indication that we need to take another path to march towards our dreams. But, while searching for the guidance flags just be careful about the temptation points. The temptation points give the same pleasure feels, but those feels quickly fade away. So, next time if felt lost, just search for the guidance flags.


Sometimes it happens in life that we want something so badly; but with the same force, it goes away from us. Which brings more worry and stress in our life, sometimes extreme despair. As a human being, sometimes we fail to cope with the bad situations and accept them as our destiny. That may be true for that particular moment; but due to lack of farsightedness and correct vision, we usually fail to see life in the broader spectrum. As it's an old saying that everything happens for a reason, hence we need to see another side of the situation. Have we ever thought that if we are failing in one particular place, the reasons could be:
  1. There is one just that perfect place where we are perfectly fit due to our skill. Maybe right now, we are knocking on a door not meant for us or maybe we need to look a new door where an opportunity will be waiting for just a tiny knock from us.  
  2. This place, where we are hitting, again and again, is meant for someone else who fits perfectly there. Similarly, we may a lego piece of some other place, where we'll be just a perfect fit to complete the masterpiece of our life. So. just let the lego pieces to occupy their places.
  3. Maybe life wants us just to get some more polishing so that we can face life hardships more efficiently. 
Whatever the reason may be, it is just to make you stronger in long run. The failures should not be a reason to quit the competition. Failures, as a chance of improvement, should be considered as guiding signs for the life journey.